network resource path as part
(Or choose browse to manually locate the path if needed.)If frequent access to the network location is a necessity, ensure that the Reconnect at Logon box is checked.Once all the information is entered, click Finish and Windows will apply your settings.Automating the process of mapping a network driveIn cases where the path for which a network drive map needs to be defined based on user access requirements as opposed to a hard definition of a predetermined location, it is often necessary in a corporate or organization network to automate the process to ensure that the right network path is assigned to the right user based on access requirements. Mapping a network drive in this manner often involves using a logon script, which is beyond the scope of this article; however, as a reference for the definition of a network map in such a script you can use the following command (regardless of which version of Windows is installed):NET USE H: \\server\share (where H is the target drive letter ...